Kew, NSW. Australia
Yevrah Super Pty Ltd and Jojeni Investments Pty Ltd
Project Type
Interpretation Strategy
The chimneys, which are the only visible remains of two mill worker’s cottages, are locally listed heritage items.
In 1895 the Federal Timber Company erected a timber mill which was described as being:
“down in a hollow, and cannot be seen till one is nearly on top of it, fronting the waters of the Camden Haven. A roomy building, it is fitted with all the most modern appliances, being capable, when in full swing, of cutting 50,000 feet of timber per week. A tramway is in course of construction, and three cottages have been erected near the mill, and three more were in course of erection”.
The Strategy was structured to identify the main historical themes of the site and develop relevant and engaging stories surrounding the former timber mill, the latter wood distillation mill and the remains of the timber mill workers’ cottages - the chimneys.
The Strategy also provided indications of options for means of interpretation.